Neutral: Lysene Sellswords
These Cutthroats Head Inland for Plunder
Suggested Retail Price: $37.99
2+ players
14+ years old
About the Game
The islands of Lys are pockmarked by strongholds. Within, there are seemingly countless pirates ready to sell their services to the highest bidder. They’ve set sail for the mainland of Westeros and are ready to plunder anything they can.
The Lysene Sellswords unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives players a new Neutral unit for their forces. The Lysene Sellswords are melee specialists, grabbing Pillage Tokens from enemies they destroy, giving them bonuses. There’s also the Lysene Bosun Unit Attachment, who can help Commanders control their enemy’s Tactics cards.

Highly Detailed Figures
The Lysene Sellswords are represented on the table by highly detailed, pre-assembled plastic figures.

Everything Included
With figures, stat cards, tokens, and movement tray, the unit is ready to play right out of the box.

New Options
The Lysene Sellswords give Commanders a new melee unit option for their forces, as well as a new Unit Attachment that excels in close-combat fighting.

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