
Trudvang Legends: Wildland

Explore the Most Wild Region of Trudvang

Suggested Retail Price: $59.99




1-4 players



About the Game

While many places in Trudvang could be considered wild and untamed, that is taken to the extreme in the Wildlands. Roads are mere trails. Cities are villages. And it’s the wild barbarians that rule the land. But do not dismiss them as simply mindless brutes. They’re as politically agile as anyone else. Underestimating them has been the end of many an adventurer.

The Wildlands expansion for Trudvang Legends gives players an all-new campaign to progress through. Players will navigate through 10+ stories, forming alliances, fighting vicious beasts, and forever altering the fate and political geography of the land.

Explore a New Region

Players may have stepped a toe into the Wildland, but they’ll be exploring the region in much more detail in this expansion.

All-New Campaign

As players progress through the 10+ interconnected stories in the expansion, they must make decisions that will forever change the face of the Wildland.

Story Cards Included

Everything needed to play this new expansion is included, with story cards and the story book.

Rules & More

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